Extend your horizon

The future affects the past

The limits of your daily landscape are not in the present but in the potential of the future. If you want to transform your living conditions in the present, you must transform your future.

Color your landscape

We live inside our emotional territories.

We address regular events from the perspective of a personal image that takes on a color according to the emotional connection one has to situations.

A new sense to the present

Let the new enter in your life

We do not suffer for the past, but we suffer for the frustration of the future. We do not suffer "because of what happened to us." We suffer because we can not create something new that transforms our present.

When the past becomes future

Why do people sustain their life at the cost of symptoms or dysfunctions?
We address daily events from the perspective of a personal image that takes on a particular color according to the emotional connection one has to the situation. Symptoms represent the impossibility of the new coming into your life. The oppressive present represents the impossibility of something new entering our lives. Symptoms arise from a tension between the inertia of the past (as repetitive patterns of responses) and changes of the present (the breadth of forms to address the new).

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The Uncertainty Game

How to approach a new challenging landscape without certainties.
Webinar presentation of the book in the United States. A one hundred point guide to rehearsing personal change in a time of change. Learn about the Psychology of Uncertainty approach, find an innovative perspective on uncertainty, apply exercises to deploy a personal transformation, and enjoy a visual code never seen before in streaming.

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Three dimensions to change your present

Design Alternatives

The explanations about the context define the landscape we face.
Identify the new in your life

Recreate the Experiences

We are the authors of the script that defines our own experiences.
Change the color of oppresion

Hold the Transformation

People change if they have the decision to transform their living conditions.
Conquer new realities



Transforming impossibility into development alternatives

This historical moment has a disturbing and challenging duality that ties impossibility and transformation in the same knot. On the one hand, the rigidity of the knot creates the uncertainty of the present based on bewilderment, pain, frustration, and fears from the past. And on the other hand, the liberation of the knot represents the possibility of something new, the adventure, the conquest, and the transformation toward the future. Impossibility is only one of the options; therefore, resignation is a personal choice.

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